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Nail Drill Tip Cleaning Guide For Better Sanitation

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If you are running a nail salon business, then you know how much importance sanitation holds around your workplace. Because there are many customers come by for your business every day for your services. So you need to have a proper cleaning process for all your tools and items in the workplace. And the same goes for your employees as well since they need to be held towards a hygienic standard. But in this post, we will discuss how to maintain cleanliness around your nail drill tips which come with nail drill machines. So let’s start this nail drill tip cleaning guide that will help increase the sanitation around your business.

4 Step Nail Drill Tip Cleaning Guide

1. Brush The Nail Drill Tips

First and foremost, you need to take a small brush to clean all the nail and acrylic dust off the drill tips. Because after each nail care session there will be a lot of residue remaining in the tips. And just shaking them off or blowing them off won’t get rid of this micro-residue that you can’t see from your naked eye. So it is always good to use a micro-fiber brush to get rid of this residue before you move on to the next steps of this guide. Since having a thorough brush-off will make the next steps easier and it is always good to do a rigorous cleaning as well.

2. Use Disinfectants

After the brush-off, the next step of the nail drill tip cleaning guide is using disinfectants. Since it is an item that provides care to each customer, it is always good to use disinfectants. Because nail drill tips can get in contact with different varieties of bacteria with each customer. So by using disinfectants you can prevent them from remaining on the nail drill tip with each use. And this will help reduce the spread of diseases and conditions from one customer to another. Especially in the era of the global pandemic, this is a necessary step that should be included.

You can use disinfectants like Pure Acetone that could kill bacteria as well as dissolve any nail or acrylic residue remaining even after the brushing. But make sure you follow proper safety precautions when handling these chemicals since they can be harmful to the user’s skin.

Another alternative for Pure Acetone can be Isopropyl Alcohol which has fewer side effects. But prolonged use can be also bad for the user’s skin. So the best option is to use proper precautions like wearing gloves when using these disinfectants for your nail drill tip.

3. Wash & Wipe

After soaking them and leaving the nail drill tips for 8-10min, the next part of this nail drill tip cleaning guide is washing. You can use water to wash them after the soaking period. Because if this disinfectant remains on the nail drill tips when using them next time, it can cause some irritations on the nail as it is sensitive while drilling. So you need to wash them and wipe them properly to get rid of these disinfectants from the nail drill tip. Especially when it comes to handling nail drill tips that have been soaked in pure acetone. You need to do this step as acetone has direct side effects on the cuticle areas of the nail when in contact.

4. Dry

The last step of this nail drill tip cleaning guide is the drying process. Because you have to avoid using wet nail drill bits since it can cause the nails to absorb the water and become even smoother. And it will lead to breakage of the nails or over-filing which can cause great damage to the nails. So it is a big factor that can lead to dissatisfaction of your customers. Therefore make sure nail drill bits go through a thorough drying process before their use.

And to do so, you can use an air blower or mini heater to do this process efficiently and quickly. But you can also use room temperature to do the dry process but it takes a bit more time.

So after the drying process is over, now the nail drill tips are ready to use without any issues. And it is always recommended to do the whole cleaning process after each use to offer and have better sanitation around your business. To learn the reasons for this, next, let’s find out why we recommend you to have a proper cleaning of the nail drill bits.

Why Do They Need Proper Cleaning

One of the main reasons for proper cleaning of nail drill bits is that it can avoid infections related to nails and cuticle areas. Because if you use these drill bits continuously on customers without any cleaning process then this is inevitable. Since hands are a micro-pool of bacteria if not sanitized or disinfected properly. And you can’t everyone who walks through your doors practices good sanitation. Also, as a professional nail salon, you need to provide better sanitation as a service. So overall, these factors lead any good and ethical business to practice proper sanitation.

Other than sanitation, not having proper cleanliness around the nail drill bits can cause them to lose effectiveness. Because nail and acrylic residue in the nail drill bit can get in the way during nail care sessions. And it can damage your customer’s nails as well. So a combination of all these factors leads businesses to have proper sanitation around their workplace.

image of a nail drill machine


After reading the above nail drill bit cleaning guide, you can understand how important it is for a nail salon. Because proper sanitation is a good quality in any type of business or service. And that is why you need to practice this or any other cleaning guide to offer a clean service. By doing so, you may even surpass your competitors who do not practice good sanitation.

However, sometimes in the rush you and your fellow employees might not have time to practice this cleaning process. So as a solution, it is always good to have backup nail drill kits in bulk in your inventory. Therefore you will have enough new drill bits to use on your customers. But make sure they are from a good nail supplies manufacturer that provides high-quality products. And making sure this happens will help you to provide a better service continuously while your business is open for the day.

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